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Kada dođe veliki dan, shvatićete da život više nikad neće biti skroz isti. Idealno bi bilo da po mačku ili mače pođete onog dana kada ćete biti kod kuće kako biste životinju mogli smiriti i upoznati, a takođe i kada će u vašem domu biti što je moguće mirnije.

Pre nego pođete po novog mačijeg člana vaše porodice, proverite imate li svu hranu i pribor koji će vam trebati za brigu o vašoj mački, jeste li činije za hranu i vodu, ležaj i posudu sa peskom smestili na prikladna mesta - možda će to privremeno biti u prostoriji sa kojom ćete je prvo upoznati (kada se vaša mačka odomaći, možete sve to premestiti tamo gde će stalno biti). Konačno, pre nego uzmete korpu ili kutiju za nošenje mačke (nemojte zaboraviti da je obložite novinama) i krenete po nju, proverite jesu li sva vrata i prozori dobro zatvoreni. 

Kada prvi put dođete licem u lice sa svojim mačetom ili mačkom, nemojte je odmah strpati u kutiju za nošenje: odvojite nekoliko minuta i posvetite joj malo pažnje kako bi shvatila da su vaše namere prijateljske, a takođe budite strpljivi dok se prethodni vlasnik oprašta sa njom. Setite se da pitate za eventualne savete, na primer, po pitanju ishrane ili vrste peska na koji je navikla, a tek nakon toga nežno stavite mačku u korpu ili kutiju. 

Dok zajedno putujete kući, stvarajte umirujuće zvukove kao odgovor na prestrašeno mijaukanje kojim vaša mačka izražava svoj strah jer ju je nepoznata osoba otrgnula iz sigurnosti doma - sigurno će biti uplašena, pogotovo ako se prvi put vozi automobilom. Međutim, ni u kom slučaju nemojte popustiti porivu i izvadite je iz korpe kako biste je milovali ili mazili: u najboljem slučaju, dogodiće se haos. 

Kada stignete kući, odnesite kutiju ili korpu u prostoriju koju ste privremeno namenili mački, ali je nemojte pustiti van pre nego skinete kaput, zatvorite vrata i budete spremni posvetiti joj svu svoju pažnju dok čini svoje prve korake u novom domu. Ohrabrite je blagim rečima, ali nemojte je hvatati kako biste je mazili, jer to bi je samo prestrašilo. 

Umesto toga, sednite i pustite je da istraži svoju novu okolinu. Ako se pokunjeno povuče ili pobegne do mesta gde se može sakriti i osećati se sigurnom, što je vrlo verovatno, ne pokušavajte je izvući odande, već samo čekajte dok ne prevlada njena znatiželja i dok ne skupi hrabrosti da izađe. 

Strpljivo gledajte kako istražuje prostoriju, a kad se oseti dovoljno sigurnom i približi vam se, lagano je pomilujte, ali nemojte praviti nikakve nagle pokrete. Ako ih već sama nije otkrila, i kad stvorite dovoljno poverenja među vama da je možete podići, odnesite je do posude sa peskom i činije za vodu - možda će joj veoma laknuti kad ih vidi - a zatim do njenog ležaja. 

Nemojte hraniti svoju mačku dok niste sigurni da se počela osećati kao kod kuće (dobar znak je kada se počne prati, što pokazuje da se oseća relativno opušteno). Nakon toga, ako ste oboje još uvek raspoloženi za to, mogli biste je upoznati s ostatkom kuće - ali ne sa vrtom - bez žurbe, kako bi imala vremena da istraži svaku prostoriju, a u zavisnosti od veličine vaše kuće, taj bi proces možda bilo mudro rasporediti na nekoliko dana. 

Nemojte je puštati samu, već je pratite kako biste bili sigurni da neće pobeći - ili se zavući u zamrzivač! Na kraju, kad je istraživanje završeno, vratite se u prostoriju iz koje ste zajedno krenuli, a koju bi sad već trebalo smatrati središtem svog novog doma. Kada dođe vreme da mače pođe na spavanje, stavljanje termofora ili električne podloge ispod jedne strane ćebenceta tokom prvih nekoliko noći pružiće joj malo umirujuće topline koja osigurava bolji san (i starije mačke bi to mogle ceniti). Neki ljudi takođe preporučuju da se u blizinu stavi sat - ali svakako isključite alarm - koji će simulisati poznati ritam majčinih otkucaja srca. 

Bez obzira koliko je stara vaša nova mačka, najbolje je da je ne puštate napolje uopšte, ili barem nedelju dana (u slučaju nervoznih mačaka, tri nedelje) kako bi imala priliku detaljno da upozna svoj novi dom, u koji bi trebalo da se vraća, makar i samo u vreme hranjenja! 



When the big day comes, you will realize that life will never be exactly the same again. It would be ideal to pick up a cat or kitten on the day when you will be at home so that you can calm down and get to know the animal, and also when it will be as calm as possible in your home.

Before you go for a new feline member of your family, make sure you have all the food and utensils you will need to take care of your cat, whether you have placed the food and water bowls, bed and sandbox in suitable places - this may be temporary. in the room you will first introduce her to (when your cat is domesticated, you can move it all where it will always be). Finally, before you take the basket or box for carrying the cat (don't forget to cover it with newspaper) and go for it, make sure that all the doors and windows are well closed.

When you first come face to face with your machete or cat, don’t immediately cram it into a carrying case: take a few minutes and pay a little attention to it to realize that your intentions are friendly, and also be patient while the previous owner says goodbye to her . Remember to ask for possible advice, for example, regarding the diet or the type of sand she is used to, and only after that gently put the cat in a basket or box.

As you travel home together, create soothing sounds in response to a frightened meow by which your cat expresses her fear because a stranger has snatched her from home safety - she will surely be frightened, especially if she is driving for the first time. However, in no case do not give in to the urge and take it out of the basket to caress or caress it: at best, chaos will occur.

When you get home, take the box or basket to the room you temporarily intended for the cat, but don't let it out before you take off your coat, close the door and be ready to devote all your attention to it while making your first steps in your new home. Encourage her with gentle words, but don't catch her to caress her, because that would only scare her.

Instead, sit back and let her explore her new surroundings. If she retreats or escapes to a place where she can hide and feel safe, which is very likely, do not try to get her out of there, but just wait until her curiosity overcomes and until she gathers the courage to come out.

Patiently watch him explore the room, and when he feels safe enough and gets close to you, caress her lightly, but don’t make any sudden movements. If she hasn't already discovered them herself, and when you create enough trust among you to be able to pick her up, take her to a sandbox and water bowl - she may be very relieved when she sees them - and then to her bed.

Do not feed your cat until you are sure that she has started to feel at home (a good sign is when she starts to wash, which shows that she feels relatively relaxed). After that, if you’re both still in the mood for it, you could introduce her to the rest of the house - but not the garden - without haste, so she has time to explore each room, and depending on the size of your house, the process might be wise. spread out over a few days.

Don't let her go alone, but follow her to make sure she doesn't run away - or crawl into the freezer! Finally, when the research is complete, return to the room you left together, which should now be considered the center of your new home. When it comes time for a kitten to go to sleep, placing a hot water bottle or electric pad under one side of the blanket for the first few nights will give it a little soothing warmth that ensures better sleep (and older cats might appreciate that). Some people also recommend that a clock be placed nearby - but be sure to turn off the alarm - which will simulate the familiar rhythm of the mother's heartbeat.

No matter how old your new cat is, it is best not to let her out at all or for at least a week (in the case of nervous cats, three weeks) so that she has the opportunity to get to know her new home in detail, to which she should return, even if only at feeding time!

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