Mi smo mala, medjunarodno registrovana odgajivačnica kod WCF/a ( World Cat Federation ) i naša odgajivačnica je član divnog Le PETit mačijeg društva iz Beograda.
To što smo mali znači samo da kod nas ne možete kupiti macu "na brzinu" jer ih mi ne proizvodimo, već ih odgajamo savesno i sa velikom ljubavlju . Zalažemo se za to da koliko je moguće objasnimo da nije dobro kupovati ovu divnu i retku rasu na brzinu-pa se posle kajati na tenane godinama...
Želimo ovom prilikom da se i pohvalimo da smo prva odgajivačnica u Evropi i Ex Yu zemljama koja ima i čistokrvnu BELU RUSKU MACU.
We are a small, internationally registered kennel with WCF (World Cat Federation) and our kennel is a member of the wonderful Le PETit cat society from Belgrade.
The fact that we are small only means that you can't buy a cat "quickly" from us because we don't produce them, but we raise them conscientiously and with great love. We strive to explain as much as possible that it is not good to buy this wonderful and rare breed in a hurry - and then regret it for years ...
We would like to take this opportunity to brag and announce that we are the FIRST Caterry in Europe and ex Yu Countries that whave a pure breed white Russian Cat.

Reservation List for New Litter:
January 2022 :Closed
Spring 2022: Closed
Sommer 2022:Closed
Autumn 2022: Closed
Spring 2023: OPEN

Život sa ruskom plavom macom