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Ako decu naučite kako će se pravilno ophoditi prema mački, pobrinućete se za sigurnost oboje, ali će to možda biti teško objasniti vašoj deci, koja će verovatno biti izvan sebe od uzbuđenja zbog dolaska mačke u kuću. (Obzirnije je prema mački ako deca ne budu kod kuće kad je prvi put upoznajete sa njenim novim domom.) Zapravo, najbolje je da deca mlađa od šest godina uopše ne dižu mačku: kosti mačića još uvek su relativno mekane i krhke, a preterano entuzijastičan zagrljaj deteta lako bi mogao izazvati frakturu.

Isto tako, maleno dete sigurno neće moći podneti težinu starije mačke, a takođe bi moglo zadobiti ružne ogrebotine dok besna mačka pokušava pobeći svom dobronamernom mučitelju. Budite svesni činjenice da bi mačka, ako deca stalno nepravilno postupaju prema njoj, mogla razviti vrlo agresivne ili nagle odbrambene mehanizme ponašanja. 

Mačići, koji neće moći dugo odolevati pozivu na igru, obično će se bolje slagati sa decom nego starija, nezavisna mačka koja je već stvorila određene navike. Uprkos tome, svom detetu nastojte da što bolje objasnite da mače mogu lako povrediti, da ga treba ostaviti na miru da spava kad je umoran, i da njegov rep nije igračka. 

Obzirom da je mačija narav znatno drugačija od naše, bilo bi korisno humanizovati mačku dok postavljate pravila ponašanja za malo dete: na primer, „Znaš li kako se ljutiš kad si umoran? Pa, mače se isto oseća, pa ćemo ga neko vreme ostaviti na miru da se naspava, a ti ćeš se kasnije igrati s njim.“ Ako su deca starija, uključite ih u aspekte brige o mački, što će im pružiti osećaj ponosa odgovornosti, ali budno pazite na dobrobit svoje mačke i nemojte svu brigu o njoj prepustiti deci - umesto toga, preuzmite ulogu nadzornika.

Na kraju, postoje određena pravila koja bi trebalo poštovati ako deca i mačke žive u istoj kući. Nikad ne ostavljajte dete koje spava nadomak mačke: mačku će privući toplina bebe, pa bi ga nehotice mogla ugušiti.U interesu održavanja zdravlja vašeg deteta i vaše mačke, objasnite detetu da nije dobro trljati lice o mačkino, onemogućite pristup hrani za mačke i, najvažni¬je, pobrinite se da se vaše dete drži podalje od mačije posude sa peskom kako biste izbegli opasnost toksoplazmoze. 


If you teach children how to treat a cat properly, you will take care of the safety of both, but it may be difficult to explain to your children, who will probably be overwhelmed by the excitement of the cat coming into the house. (She is more considerate of the cat if the children are not at home when you first introduce her to her new home.) In fact, it is best for children under the age of six not to raise a cat at all: the kitten's bones are still relatively soft and fragile, and overly enthusiastic. a child's hug could easily cause a fracture.

Also, a small child will certainly not be able to bear the weight of an older cat, and he could also get ugly scratches while a rabid cat tries to escape his well-meaning tormentor. Be aware of the fact that a cat, if children constantly treat it incorrectly, could develop very aggressive or sudden defense mechanisms of behavior.

Kittens, which will not be able to resist the invitation to play for a long time, will usually get along better with children than an older, independent cat that has already created certain habits. Despite that, try to explain to your child as much as possible that a kitten can be easily injured, that he should be left alone to sleep when he is tired, and that his tail is not a toy.

Since the cat's nature is significantly different from ours, it would be useful to humanize the cat while setting rules of conduct for a small child: for example, "Do you know how angry you get when you are tired? Well, the kitten feels the same way, so we'll leave him alone to sleep for a while, and you'll play with him later. ”If the children are older, include them in the cat care aspects, which will give them a sense of pride in responsibility. but keep an eye on your cat's well-being and don't leave all the care of it to children - instead, take on the role of supervisor.

Finally, there are certain rules that should be followed if children and cats live in the same house. Never leave a sleeping child close to the cat: the cat will be attracted to the baby's heat, so it could inadvertently suffocate him. In the interest of maintaining the health of your child and your cat, explain to the child that it is not good to rub the cat's face. ¬je, make sure your child stays away from the cat's sandbox to avoid the danger of toxoplasmosis.

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