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Mačke zaista imaju mekanu kožu, ali osim ako vaš ljubimac nije mače koje je majka sve do nedavno podizala za vrat - a čak je i njoj to bilo sve teže kako je on dobijao na težini - ne pokušavajte to činiti. Iako podizanje za vrat može, u hitnim situacijama, podstaći refleksnu reakciju koja mačku navede da se ukoči, mače ili mačku nikad ne treba podizati na taj način jer njihova koža jednostavno neće moći podneti njihovu težinu. 

Pre nego podignete svoju mačku, pokušajte proveriti je li opuštena - idealno bi bilo da joj polako priđete, celo vreme tiho govoreći - i nikad je nemojte zgrabiti. Pravilan način podizanja popustljive mačke koja stoji na tlu je zavući joj ruku ispod grudi, odmah iza prednjih nogu, a potom joj drugom rukom lagano gurnite zadnje noge prema napred, te podignite mačku tako da bude u visini vašeg struka. 

Na taj će način vaše ruke držati celu težinu mačke, a ona će se osećati sigurno i ugodno. Druga je metoda,koju često koriste sudije na izložbama mačaka, jednom rukom držati prednje noge mačke, a drugu joj staviti ispod stomaka, te tako pažljivo podići mačku. 

Nikad nemojte mačku držati na grudima tako da njen stomak i lice budu okrenuti prema gore, kao što biste držali bebu, jer će se u tom položaju osećati ranjivom, a takođe će joj leđa biti neugodno izvrnuta. Umesto toga, malo prilagodite svoju tehniku podizanja tako da mačka bude uspravna, dok su joj lice i telo okrenuti spolja, u istom smeru kao i vaši, te ćete joj jednom rukom pridržavati zadnji deo tela (možda će vam biti lakše smestiti je u pregibu lakta), a drugom ćete nežno, ali čvrsto, obgrliti njene grudi, opet ispod prednjih nogu. Budući da neke mačke ne vole da ih tako ograničavate, bez obzira koliko to nežno činite, ako su okrenute spolja, imate tu prednost da vaše lice neće biti prva meta kandži razdražene mačke. 


Cats do have soft skin, but unless your pet is a kitten that your mother has been lifting around her neck until recently - and even she found it harder as he gained weight - don't try to do so. Although a neck lift can, in an emergency, trigger a reflex reaction that causes a cat to stiffen, a kitten or cat should never be lifted that way because their skin will simply not be able to bear their weight.

Before you pick up your cat, try to make sure it is relaxed - ideally approach it slowly, speaking softly all the time - and never grab it. The proper way to lift a compliant cat standing on the ground is to tuck her hand under her chest, just behind her front legs, and then with her other hand gently push her hind legs forward, and lift the cat so that it is at waist height.

That way, your hands will hold the whole weight of the cat, and it will feel safe and comfortable. The second method, often used by judges at cat shows, is to hold the cat's front legs with one hand and place the other under its belly, thus carefully lifting the cat.

Never hold a cat on its chest so that its stomach and face are facing upwards, as you would hold a baby, because in that position it will feel vulnerable, and its back will also be uncomfortably turned upside down. Instead, slightly adjust your lifting technique so that the cat is upright with her face and body facing outward, in the same direction as yours, and hold the back of her body with one hand (you may find it easier to place it in the bend of your elbow. ), and with the other you will gently but firmly embrace her breasts, again under the front legs. Since some cats don't like to restrict them like that, no matter how gently you do it, if they are turned outwards, you have the advantage that your face will not be the first target of the irritated cat's claws.

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